
Why I believe in the Virgin Birth

The Tomb of the Virgin Mary

Many modern people do not believe in the Virgin birth, viewing it merely as a scandalous cover-up of Mary’s obvious adultery, the start of the greatest hoax (the ministry and resurrection of Jesus Christ) ever perpetrated on humanity. I disagree.  I believe that the Mary was indeed the virgin mother of Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew).… Continue reading Why I believe in the Virgin Birth

The Event that Changed the Universe – God Does the Impossible – Establishes Hope

Today we will look at the Biblical accounts of the resurrection of Jesus.  To do that, I have put together all of the Gospel accounts and the Book of Acts.  To permit you to trace each passage where it comes from, I have coloured the text of each source:  Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24,… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – God Does the Impossible – Establishes Hope

The Event that Changed the Universe – The End of the World as We Know It

The next day the disciples have conversations with Jesus about the glories of the temple, and Jesus predicts that the temple will be destroyed, not one stoning standing on another.  Not realising that Jesus is predicting the Roman destruction of the temple that happened in 70 AD some forty years into the future, they assume… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – The End of the World as We Know It

The Event that Changed the Universe – Who gave you this authority?

During these days, it was recorded that Jesus would go up to the temple, teach the crowds and heal the sick – and they were cured, instantly.  The atmosphere was exhilarating, even the children would sing out, ‘Hosanna to the son of David’.  Hosanna is not a word that is easy to translate, but it… Continue reading The Event that Changed the Universe – Who gave you this authority?

Visions of Heaven?

Visions of Heaven? Last month, when the battle for Mosul began, Islamic State caliph Al-Baghdadi declared: “All, without exception, will enter paradise as martyrs.  Moreover, you will enter paradise with four more Houris than other martyrs. For just as you stand by me now, so will they stand by you, or under you, or above you,… Continue reading Visions of Heaven?