
Christmas is still a time of hope and joy

When the son of a friend of mine was quite young, he thought he had been told that Christmas was about the Baby Cheeses.  Only when he was older did he finally understand that it was about the Baby Jesus. Even knowing that, one cannot but suspect most people in the world, while enjoying the… Continue reading Christmas is still a time of hope and joy

Why I believe in the Virgin Birth

The Tomb of the Virgin Mary

Many modern people do not believe in the Virgin birth, viewing it merely as a scandalous cover-up of Mary’s obvious adultery, the start of the greatest hoax (the ministry and resurrection of Jesus Christ) ever perpetrated on humanity. I disagree.  I believe that the Mary was indeed the virgin mother of Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew).… Continue reading Why I believe in the Virgin Birth

Does God choose us to be His own?

Welcome to Jesus Christ for Muslims. My name is Mike, And I am so glad that you clicked to watch this video. Today we are just going to take few moments and talk about you have been chosen by God. It´s interesting; we see a pattern in the Bible that God tends to choose the… Continue reading Does God choose us to be His own?