
The Good-News: from dust of the earth to enthroned by Christ

The Good-News: from dust of the earth to enthroned by Christ So many human ideologies and religions reduce the status of humankind. For example, this is what secular humanism has to teach about human beings: The earth is a tiny spec in a vast universe, and therefore irrelevant Humans are an temporary evolutionary accident in… Continue reading The Good-News: from dust of the earth to enthroned by Christ

The Munich Massacre begs the question, ‘Why?’

The sign in German: ‘Warum?’  It does not really need translating. Another week in Europe, another mass slaying, another shout of ‘Allahu Akbar!’ which means ‘Allah is greater than your god or your government’. Time and again we see it as the token of explanation given by a mass murderer, who seems to think that… Continue reading The Munich Massacre begs the question, ‘Why?’

Jesus – How can we know Him (By Graham Ford)

Today Graham Ford, the president of “Jesus Christ for Muslims Ministry” explains us who really Jesus Christ is. How can we know all about him that we are not aware of? How can we make sure that He was a Godly man, Son of God or God himself? Was he just a human like us… Continue reading Jesus – How can we know Him (By Graham Ford)

Faith – Doubt, Questions & Discovery (By: Graham Ford)

Why should I believe in an invisible power? Does God really exist? Why should I believe in a God which I have been asked by my family to follow? Is that God a true one?  Can I doubt on the faith that I am following? What if I doubt? Shall I be punished and thrown… Continue reading Faith – Doubt, Questions & Discovery (By: Graham Ford)

Creation – How wrong did the Bible get it?

Creation of the universe has always been a controversial issue. We Christians believe in what Bible says about it but many do not agree with Bible and ask for scientific proofs. There seems to be no end to people and websites saying that they have the correct answers on anything and everything. And that includes the… Continue reading Creation – How wrong did the Bible get it?

The early years Of Jesus´ life

How many of us know about Jesus´ life in childhood or in youth? Indeed very little is written and found about Jesu´s early age in Bible. People often have questions such as; what was Jesus doing in his early age, what was His profession, what about His family and personal life, and why did Jesus’… Continue reading The early years Of Jesus´ life

Persecution – The Life Christians Live

Persecution is part of daily life for Christians. Verbal abuse, discrimination at work, physical torture and death threats are commonly used against Christians in many countries of the world. If we speak about Pakistan alone, the white part of the national flag of Pakistan represents the minorities such as Christians, and recognizes them as an… Continue reading Persecution – The Life Christians Live

Trinity; One, Three or Both? (By Graham Ford)

Trinity is one of the most complicated aspects of Christianity. We Christians have the faith and we do believe that God represents Himself in three different forms but for many non-Christians it is ridiculous and funny, on the other hand many non-Christians are curious to know why and how God can be in three different… Continue reading Trinity; One, Three or Both? (By Graham Ford)