
The Covid Cult and the Ten Commandments

“Reproduced with thanks from Rabbi etc, Frontpage Magazine” In June of 2020 I outlined how self-proclaimed “progressives” are 0 for 10 when it comes to the Ten Commandments (see the article here). The emergence of the covid cult since then begs a look at how its devotees fare with these fundamental mitzvos. (Those who are members… Continue reading The Covid Cult and the Ten Commandments

God’s Grace Can Reach Any Heart

Dear Brother or Sister in Christ, In eternity, I believe we may see how God wrote chapters into the lives of people we knew on earth and also into the lives of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Occasionally God allows us to learn the complete story before eternity. Recently, a VOM field leader… Continue reading God’s Grace Can Reach Any Heart

Keep Christ at the forefront of the Christmas celebration

With all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it is easy to forget the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Our never-ending “to-do” list continues to grow as stress increases over finding the perfect gift for that special someone. We become frantic wondering if there is enough money in the budget to create… Continue reading Keep Christ at the forefront of the Christmas celebration

Why and how to celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is important because it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God who came to redeem all mankind and call them to himself. On that day, God sent his Son to become a man on earth in order that one day he would become the payment for… Continue reading Why and how to celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is still a time of hope and joy

When the son of a friend of mine was quite young, he thought he had been told that Christmas was about the Baby Cheeses.  Only when he was older did he finally understand that it was about the Baby Jesus. Even knowing that, one cannot but suspect most people in the world, while enjoying the… Continue reading Christmas is still a time of hope and joy

The Day the British Press Lost its Mind

On the front page of nearly every paper in the UK were headlines like this one: ‘Suicide bomber was a Christian convert.’  The impression every paper wanted to give the public was obvious: it’s not only the Muslims who blow up people.  The Christians are at it too. The only folks you can trust are… Continue reading The Day the British Press Lost its Mind

When does being free necessarily mean rejecting governmental authority?

At face value, the plain teaching of Scripture is that we should obey those in authority over us.  For example, the Apostle Paul wrote this to the Christians who lived in Rome, the most powerful empire the world had ever known: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except… Continue reading When does being free necessarily mean rejecting governmental authority?

Who is God and can I know Him?

If religion is about anything, it is about providing a coherent, evidence-based answer to this question, an answer that ordinary people can grasp and act upon. Both the Jewish rabbis and Christian scholars of scripture and church history rely on the Bible: The Hebrew scripture, also known as the Old Testament, and the New Testament. … Continue reading Who is God and can I know Him?

The lives of holy ones were found in her

As I have written before, the United States of America and other Western nations are behaving more and more like the description of the prophetic Babylon the Great in the Book of Revelation, chapters 17 and 18. The recent surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban has yet again revealed the real policies of the USA… Continue reading The lives of holy ones were found in her

Iraqi Wrestles to Accept Existence of a Loving God

“We had information that there was two car bombs in the city, and they could go off anytime.” As an Iraqi serving with the US military, Abbas Hameed was used to navigating tense situations.   He was nineteen when he began serving as an interpreter and then a sniper. “When you join the U.S. side, you’re… Continue reading Iraqi Wrestles to Accept Existence of a Loving God