
How to treat those who persecute us?

Through this video we are going to talk about how we Christians should treat those who persecute us? In today´s world Christians are persecuted around the world whether it is India, Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan. Christians are one of the most vulnerable groups of people who are persecuted for their faith. What does Jesus Christ say… Continue reading How to treat those who persecute us?

Answering ISIS – A Short Reply to the ‘Breaking the Cross’ issue of the ISIS Magazine ‘Dabiq’

This glossy on-line magazine (Dabiq), 82 pages long, is filled with reassuringly professional quality photographs and 12 densely worded articles: some supposedly theological in content, some heart-warming human interest stories of Islamic converts and jihadists, concluding with an inspiring piece ‘By the Sword’ aimed at telling us Christians and the West in general: ‘This is… Continue reading Answering ISIS – A Short Reply to the ‘Breaking the Cross’ issue of the ISIS Magazine ‘Dabiq’